Chiropractor | Fairfield Wellness
Our chiropractic clinic can assist with many painful complaints and sporting injuries. It may help people from all age groups including babies, children and pregnant women to sports people and older people including those with chronic injuries.
Chiropractic treatment may help with the following issues:
Neck pain, wry neck and stiffness
Jaw pain and clicking
Dizziness and Vertigo
Back pain including back spasms and disc lesions
Rib pain
Joint sprains
Shoulder, hip and knee Injuries and pain
Muscle strains and muscle firing patterns for sports people
Nerve pain eg sciatica
Dr Elena Bacash
Chiropractor, Director Fairfield Wellness
Over the last 14 years of Chiropractic practice I use a range of gentle manual techniques and low force instrument/ activator adjustments to help people to decrease pain and improve range of motion and optimise function.
I use Webster Technique to assist pregnant women with pelvic balance during pregnancy from the first trimester right through to before birth.
I have a special interest in acute and chronic issues and the emotional impacts of stress on the mind/body and I use Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) to assist people with these issues.
I am a certified practitioner of the International College of Applied Kinesiology (AK) which uses craniosacral and meridian therapy, adjustments of the spine, muscle testing and nutrition.
I have also completed a Masters of Acupuncture from RMIT University.
I take Chiropractic appointments Monday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon, all day Thursday and every second Friday morning and every second Saturday morning.
Chiropractor Melbourne – make an appointment now
Get in touch to find out more about our chiropractic service or call one of our friendly team on 03 9486 8382 to book in your appointment.