infrared Sauna at Fairfield Wellness

Infrared saunas are an effective tool for natural healing and prevention. Infrared light has the ability to penetrate human tissue which in turn produces a host of health benefits making infrared saunas one of the “hottest” therapies for overall healthier living. If you want to get yourself back into balance, the benefits of an infrared sauna may be just what you need to achieve your wellness goals.
Sweating is good for you. It is the body’s safe and natural way to heal and stay healthy. Sunlighten far infrared sauna detoxification happens by heating the body directly, causing a rise in core temperature. This results in a deep, detoxifying sweat at the cellular level, where toxins reside.
Infrared light therapy penetrates tissue, joints and muscles to relieve anything from minor aches and pains to chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia. Pain management professionals incorporate infrared sauna heat therapy into treatment plans to decrease pain and muscle spasms and to speed up recovery time. An IR blend provides natural pain relief by reducing inflammation and swelling while near IR LEDs penetrate the tissue to promote cellular repair at a medium, constant intensity level.
A low, constant intensity level penetrates tissue to help with various skin concerns. Near IR LEDs improve overall skin tone, elasticity and firmness promoting anti-aging benefits.
Our infrared saunas promote weight loss by increasing your core body temperature, detoxifying the body and burning calories while you relax in total comfort. Infrared sauna therapy helps you relax while receiving an invigorating deep-tissue-sweat, leaving you fully refreshed after each session. As the body works to cool itself, there is a substantial increase in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate which provides a passive cardio workout causing the body to burn more calories.
Starts at a high intensity to increase heart rate and cardiac output then lowers to sustain heart rate level. Circulation increases to promote healthy blood pressure.
Stay healthy with the natural preventive properties of Sunlighten’s exclusive near, mid, and far infrared light technology, which aid in cell health, muscle recovery and overall immunity defense. Near infrared light therapy stimulates the circulatory system and more fully oxygenates the body’s cells. Better blood circulation means more toxins flow from the cellular level to the skin’s surface to improve cell health, aid in muscle recovery and strengthen the immune system.
Sunlighten saunas have been designed for the utmost in comfort to deliver greater relaxation and stress reduction benefits.
Unlike traditional saunas which operate at extremely harsh temperatures, infrared is a gentle, soothing and therapeutic heat that promotes relaxation and improved sleep. Infrared sauna therapy helps you relax while receiving an invigorating deep-tissue-sweat, leaving you fully refreshed after each session.
Our advanced mPulse 3-in-1 infrared light techno- logy has the unique ability to heal wounds faster and minimize scarring through the use of near infrared LEDs. No other sauna can offer these health benefits.Scientific research has concluded that near infrared light therapy greatly enhances the skin’s healing process by promoting faster cell regeneration and human tissue growth. Human cell growth increases to repair wounds and prevent infection.
Only Sunlighten saunas are backed by clinical research that shows a reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Both are key factors in maintaining a healthy heart. Sunlighten infrared saunas induce a deep sweat to make the heart pump faster, which in turn increases blood flow, lowers blood pressure and helps circulation. Infrared sauna therapy helps you relax while receiving an invigorating deep-tissue-sweat, leaving you fully refreshed after each session.
Infrared Sauna 30 Minutes
Single (1 person) 30 minute Session- $45.00
Single (2 person) 30 minute Session- $60.00 (partners and friends are able to sauna together on request)
5 x Sauna 30 minute Pass- $190.00 (1 person) or $215.00 (2 people)*
10 x Sauna 30 minute Pass- $315.00 (1 person) or $365.00 (2 people)**
Sweat Session 3 x 30 min Sessions to be used within 1 week- $75 (2 people = $90)**
Infrared Sauna 45 Minutes
Single (1 person) 45 minute Session- $55.00
Single (2 person) 45 minute Session- $70.00 (Partners and friends are able to sauna together on request)
5 x Sauna 45 minute Pass- $240.00 (1 person) or $265.00 (2 people)**
10 x Sauna 45 minute Pass- $415.00 (1 person) or $465.00 (2 people)**
Sweat Session 3 x 45 min Sessions to be used within 1 week- $90 (2 people = $105)**
Infrared Sauna and Massage Packages
60 Min Remedial Massage + 30 min sauna - $150 (must be done on the same day and not available with any other offer or pass)
90 Min Remedial Massage + 30 min sauna - $190 (must be done on the same day and not available with any other offer or pass)
*Terms and conditions*
Sweat Session passes must be used within the week - No refunds available if all sessions are not used
5 & 10 Sauna passes must be used within 1 year (365 days) of purchase.
Booking a session
Please call Fairfield Wellness reception to book a session a 30 or 45 minute session on (03) 9486 8382.
** Towels are provided
Chromotherapy is the science of using colours to adjust body vibrations to frequencies that result in health and harmony. Each colour possesses frequencies of a specific vibration, and each vibration is related to different physical symptoms.
What type of sauna will I be using in my sessions?
The sauna is a Sunlighten mPulse sauna which is the only 3-in-1™ infrared sauna in the world. It uses a blend of near, mid and far infrared heater technology. Based on the science of infrared to produce peak therapeutic health benefits, it does this through 6 x Preset Wellness Programs in a built-in android touchscreen. we recommend manual programmes first in order for you to get used to the sauna. The Wellness Programs do not work on temperature, for example, the anti-ageing program won't feel hot as it uses near infrared for skin health and wound healing. Each program uses a combination of precise infrared wavelengths to target precise outcomes. You will notice the temperature may vary up and down, also wavelengths and time will vary during.
How big is the sauna?
The sauna is a 2 person sauna which is booked out for individual use at any one time. However, sometimes partners and friends like to sauna together, so in this case 2 people can use the sauna at one time.
What should I do before a sauna session?
Drink a minimum of 250ml of water to prepare your body for an increase in core body temperature. You may also like to take an electrolyte drink.
Does an infrared session feel different to a traditional steam sauna?
In an infrared sauna heat is not necessary. The optimal infrared sauna temperature is 38°C to 58°C. Temperatures in this range enable our Solocarbon® heaters to provide the optimal concentration of infrared wavelengths, which are the key factor in bringing you the many potential health benefits of using a sauna, including detox, pain relief, skin purification, weight loss and stress relief.
The cabin temperature in a steam high heat sauna is not providing the benefits of infrared. It is only heating the cabin air and a shallow, surface sweat will be produced to cool the body and thereby dehydrating the body. The infrared sauna is NOT designed to run at high heat (60+). The ambient air temperature of the sauna is a personal preference. It has nothing to do with the efficacy of the infrared, which works best between 38 - 58 degrees.
Stick with it for long-term benefits: Just as with exercise or eating healthy, sauna use takes time and consistency to see results. You may not even sweat the first few times you use your sauna, but know that sweating (and the detox that comes with it) will increase with regular use, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and healthy. The Cool Down: After your Sauna Session rehydrate with at least 250ml of water and add relectrolyteME electrolyte drink to replace minerals. Dry off and cool down naturally, or with a refreshing shower. mPulse saunas: How do the mPulse Wellness Programs work? The mPulse sauna is the only 3-in-1™ infrared sauna in the world. It uses a blend of near, mid and far infrared heater technology. Based on the science of infrared to produce peak therapeutic health benefits, it does this through 6 x Preset Wellness Programs in a built-in android touchscreen. The Wellness Programs do not work on temperature. Each program uses a combination of precise infrared wavelengths to target precise outcomes. You will notice the temperature may vary up and down, also wavelengths and time will vary during
What if I have a medical condition, can I still use the sauna?
Please see the cautions and contraindications at the bottom of the page
Do I have to bring anything?
Please bring a towel to sit on and dry off after the sauna .If you would like to take water inside the sauna it must be in a sealable bottle.
What do I wear?
It is recommend that people wear underwear/ bathers and a towel.
Do you have showers there?
Are they in private area?
Yes in a private, lockable room.
What is the maximum temperature of the sauna?
Near and mid infrared work best between 38 - 58 degrees
How long should I go in for?
We recommend starting at 30 minutes to start moving to 45 minutes when you are used to them.
Watch your time: Make sure to adjust your session length in accordance to your body’s needs. If you are just beginning with regular sauna use, it is important to start slowly and get your body accustomed to infrared therapy. Gradually increase toward 45 minute daily sessions in the optimal temperature range.
Always listen to your body and adjust based on what it’s telling you. Your Sunlighten sauna experience should never be uncomfortable, if it is then get out and drink at least 250ml of water or electrolyte drink. Stick with it for long-term benefits: Just as with exercise or eating healthy, sauna use takes time and consistency to see results.
Will I sweat like I would in a traditional steam sauna?
You may not even sweat the first few times you use your sauna, but know that sweating (and the detox that comes with it) will increase with regular use, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and healthy. The cabin temperature in an infrared sauna is generally not as hot as in a traditional steam sauna so you may only experience sweating in the last 10 minutes of your session.
Please note that everyone is different and your experience may also vary from session to session.
What should I do after an infrared sauna session?
The Cool Down: After your Sauna Session rehydrate with at least 250ml of water. You may also like to drink an electrolyte drink to replace minerals. Dry off and cool down naturally, or have a shower when you get home. mPulse saunas:
When shouldn't I use an Infrared Sauna?
We don't recommend you use the sauna if you have heart issues or if you are pregnant. Please see the list of contraindications and cautions below.
If you have an ongoing condition and are concerned about using the sauna - please consult your doctor first.
Infrared- is that like a microwave/UV?
Unlike tanning beds, Sunlighten saunas use infrared heating, which is entirely different to microwaves, or ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
Infrared heat is safe and healthy for all living things. Far from a new technology, infrared heat has been used in a variety of health and human movement applications for many years. Sunlighten saunas use a refined heating technology called SolocarbonTM, which is used in day spas, gyms, training studios and health practices worldwide.
Cautions and contraindications to using a sauna
MEDICATIONS Individuals who are using prescription drugs should seek the advice of their personal physician since some medications may induce drowsiness, while others may affect heart rate, blood pressure and circulation. Diuretics, barbiturates and beta-blockers may impair the body’s natural heat loss mechanisms. Anticholinergics such as amitryptaline may inhibit sweating and can predispose individuals to heat rash or to a lesser extent, heat stroke. Some over-the-counter drugs, such as antihistamines, may also cause the body to be more prone to heat stroke. |
CARDIOVASCULAR ISSUES, OBESITY OR DIABETES Individuals suffering from obesity or with a medical history of heart disease, low or high blood pressure, circulatory problems or diabetes should consult a physician prior to use. Heat stress increases cardiac output and blood flow in an effort to transfer internal body heat to the outside environment via the skin (perspiration) and respiratory system. ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE Contrary to popular belief, it is not advisable to attempt to “sweat out” a hangover. Alcohol intoxication decreases a person’s judgment; therefore, he/she may not realize when the body has a negative reaction to high heat. Alcohol also increases the heart rate, which may be further increased by heat stress. The use of alcohol, drugs or medications prior to a sauna session may lead to unconsciousness. CHRONIC CONDITIONS / DISEASES ASSOCIATED WITH REDUCED ABILITY TO SWEAT OR PERSPIRE ELDERLY The ability to maintain core body temperature decreases with age. This is primarily due to circulatory conditions and decreased sweat gland function. The body must be able to activate its natural cooling processes in order to maintain core body temperature. If elderly, operate at a maximum heat of 55°C and for no more than 30 minutes. CHILDREN The core body temperature of children rises much faster than adults. This occurs due to a higher metabolic rate per body mass, limited circulatory adaptation to increased cardiac demands and the inability to regulate body temperature by sweating. When using with a child, operate at a lower temperature and for no more than 15 minutes at a time. HEMOPHILIACS / INDIVIDUALS PRONE TO BLEEDING The use of infrared saunas should be avoided by anyone who is predisposed to bleeding. FEVER & INSENSITIVITY TO HEAT Individuals with insensitivity to heat or who have a fever should not use the sauna until the fever subsides. PREGNANCY Pregnant women should consult a health care practitioner before using an infrared sauna. MENSTRUATION Heating of the low back area of women during the menstrual period may temporarily increase menstrual flow. This should not preclude sauna use. JOINT INJURY Recent (acute) joint injury should not be heated for the first 48 hours or until the swollen symptoms subside. Joints that are chronically hot and swollen may respond poorly to vigorous heating of any kind. |
Metal pins, rods, artificial joints or any other surgical implants generally reflect infrared waves and thus are not heated by this system. Nevertheless, you should consult your physician prior to using.
Even though the warm-up time of the sauna - before the user enters - is said to desiccate bacteria and thereby sterilize the sauna, we would ask that sauna users who have any communicable skin diseases, refrain from using this sauna.
Sauna use is not recommended for persons with the following conditions: unstable angina, recent myocardial infarction (30 days) and severe aortic stenosis.